Dr Fantoli

About Dr. Michel Fantoli

Welcome to my web site. This site is dedicated to ail persons wanting information about proctological surgery and more particularly about haemorrhoid surgery.

Since 2008, I have developed a new and unknown technique that I have named "hemorroïdectomie semi-fermée par agrafage circulaire" (semi-closed haemorrhoidectomy by circular stapling).
With numerous decades of practical experience, a lot of scientific publications and some thousands of proctological surgical interventions, today I teach other surgeons and proctologists in Europe and all over the world.

Don’t hesitate to contact me for further information, I will be delighted to answer you.

My technique in video
Dr Fantoli
Who am I ?
Dr Fantoli

Senior lecturer for the only university diploma in Proctology

I was born in Pontarlier, in the Haut Doubs, in Franche-Comté. I studied medecine in Besançon and I specialised in the proctology sector in Paris at Léopold bellan hospital.

Gastroenterologist by training, I have been working now in medico-surgical proctology in Besançon since 1978.

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Contact me
Dr Fantoli

Dr. Michel FANTOLI
1 Avenue Denfert Rochereau
25000 Besancon

Tel. : 03 81 40 02 12

You can also use the form to contact me by clicking on the link below
